Concept, FEED and Detailed Engineering
We take pride in understanding our clients’ challenges and delivering excellent solutions
Working as part of a global community, we are listening, imagining and cocreating the best solutions with clients, industry partners people who all need energy
Concept Stage:Help our clients select the economic, efficient and safe asset to maximise field output
Design Stage: Preliminary, FEED and detailed design to meet the safety budget, programme and operational imperatives
Appraise: Preliminary scope definition, evaluate options, obtain Operations
Select: Conceptual design
(Process and control philosophies, P&ID’s, GA’s, ENVID, HAZID, BoD,
Equipment list, etc.), stakeholder engagement and investment decision support
Define: Detailed multi-discipline engineering and design assurance, design deliverables to issued for purchase and approved for construction status
Execute: Work preparation and planning, issue of construction workpacks, inspection, test and certification / completions
workpacks, as-building and closeout activities
We have the experience and technical to effectively and efficiently progress from FEED to construction.
Our plant design experience allows for rapid and reliable FEED verification, providing a strong basis for the management of change and the control of technical and delivery risks.
We use our practical construction and operations experience to inform our design, as we develop the engineering detail and deliverables for design approval and design freeze. Our deep technical expertise allows us to offer specialist consultancy and design assurance services to complement our core engineering delivery capability.
We provide deliverables up to and including issued for purchase and approved for construction status, as-built drawings and support the implementation of our designs through construction work packs when required.
Safe and efficient recovery from existing fields and exploiting new fields in difficult environments and uncertain market conditions present the oil and gas industry with many technical and economic challenges

Hafsa Arshad – Business Development Manager
We have the breadth and depth of expertise, the intellect and the drive to overcome these challenges and help our clients to realise the full potential of their fields and assets
At the front end of our projects, we apply our practical design and operational experience to define, evaluate and screen a wide range of development concepts. Following concept selection, we can develop and refine the full spectrum of production facility types through FEED.
For details, please check sub-sections below

Our core values are application of innovative management techniques, the use of cutting-edge materials, the deployment of technology in novel ways and the highest level of client care
Project Management Consultancy
Asset Management
HSE Studies
Secondment of Staff
Advisory Services
We work across the full project lifecycle delivering conceptual and feasibility studies, front end engineering design (FEED) and detailed design services
From pre-concept studies to commissioning assistance, we are here to help you
We work with clients to deliver added value at the design stage of projects, limiting the degree of variation across the asset life and assuring operational efficiency.
Our advanced modelling and analysis tools provide our clients with the highest levels of accuracy and confidence in our design and engineering deliverables.
This certainty and accountability combined with the integrity of our experts means better judgment of priorities, confident decisions and
optimization of spend.
Success Stories Being Updated
Timely service delivery & smart approach!!
We ensure that
- Safe and cost-effective constructability and operability is inherent in concept selection, FEED and detailed design
- New assets are future proofed for economic field development at a later stage
- Transfer from design, through operations, life extension and decommissioning is seamless
- Lessons learned on asset integrity management are fed back into design to optimize capital spend and reduce operational expenditure
We’re committed to helping our clients to reduce costs, maximise production,
minimise downtime and improve safety and environmental performance

Our specialists combine
their intellect, imagination and drive to deliver the very best.
Hafsa Arshad
Business Development Manager
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Our awards and recognitions

CSS Design Award - Being Updated

W3 Design Award Being Updated

The FWA Award Being Updated